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The Mourning Sickness
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The Ancient Art
© Enjoy Your Symptom Records, all rights reserved worldwide (ASCAP).

Eat or Beat

Time to tell the tale of ancient lore
To see what might be revealed

Is it…
Liberty and justice for all?
Me, oh my
Is it…
The “truth” as told by a white male corporate owned media?
Me, oh my
Is it…
Terrorism and environmental racism?
Me, oh my
Is it…
Illegal immigrants who “sneak” in to abuse the system?
Me, oh my

Eat or beat

Time to tell the stories of olde
To see what we might become

Is it…
Ruling the world as a philosopher king?
Me, oh my
Is it…
Clandestine warfare to boost a sloughing portfolio?
Me, oh my
Is it…
Political assassination in hopes for a brighter future?
Me, oh my
Is it…
Planting crops that you'll feed to animals to later consume for flavor and protein?
Me, oh my

Eat or beat

Time to revel, and partake, and yell
To forget what we have wrought

Is it…
Pretending that politics don't matter?
Me, oh my
Is it…
Teaching the world to sing in perfect harmony?
Me, oh my
Is it…
Insisting that capitalism and fascism really are not the same thing?
Me, oh my
Is it…
Facing the truth that people and governments have never learned anything from history…
… they just make it up
Me, oh my

Eat or beat

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